Life Skills Programme

A Way of Life!
Values are guiding principles that shape our outlook, attitudes and conduct. At Edify it is the endeavour to instill in students those moral values that present a true perspective for the development of any society or nation. The facilitators’ role is not only to impart knowledge, but also to be an example or role model and to provide guidance. Value Education Program is therefore implemented in all Edify Schools for all classes. Through the program students are stimulated to do reflection and introspection about issues that have moral and ethical relevance in today’s world. Students are expected to think of various values that govern the rules and to discuss and debate on the set of values to be adhered to. The sessions and activities are designed to promote independent reasoning that supports discussions about moral dilemmas and crisis. This helps students develop an enduring and meaningful set of values. The Program also deals with a wide variety of themes of social significance through creative approaches and activities.
Using a wide variety of methods that range from discussions to film screenings and interactive games, the Program imparts these skills through an experiential approach that involves real-life situations, giving the students the extra edge they might need to face adversity and misfortune with grace. Learning to live has never been more fun!